Online Market e-Commerce Portal (Platform) for BSCIC

About This Project

Dream71 Bangladesh Limited has started developing ‘Online Market e-Commerce Portal (Platform) for BSCIC’. BSCIC has been developing its ICT based infrastructure and support services for Cottage, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSMEs) for achieving the target of Digital Bangladesh. During this continuing COVID-19 Pandemic, the business operations of CMSMEs have been hampered severely. As most of the CMSME entrepreneurs have very little presence in the vast e-commerce market, we are going to establish an e-commerce platform for facilitating the marketing and selling of CMSME productsconsisting of following features:


  • E-commerce Web Platform Development with:
  • Several user panels;
  • B2B2C connection;
  • Various e-commerce related features like – Products, Orders, Sales, Payments, Logistics, Accounting, Marketing, Shopping Cart, Product/Order tracking, Incentive/commission, Push sales, Facebook sales, Display Center, Issue Ticket and Reporting.


  • Mobile application development for entrepreneurs and web view mobile Apps for Customer & DC Manager.




The objectives of this system are mentioned below:

  • To create a common e-commerce platform named ‘BSCIC Online Market’ to display and sell of Bangladeshi CMSME products;
  • To facilitate online marketing and selling of CMSME products as an alternative of physical ones;
  • To create a technology based channel for promotion, display, sell, payment and distribution of CMSME products;
  • To revive the supply chains and the market of CMSMEs as a whole, disrupted severely by the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • To create an easy pass for the CMSMEs to the global market and dissolve the boundary of local syndicates;
  • To integrate ‘BSCIC Online Market’ with other national as well as prominent international ecommerce platforms;

To digitalize the market system with its user-friendly features and convenience throughout the country considering the need of CMSMEs;
